Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bill Boyle Screenwriting Workshops

Press Release #2
For Immediate Release:
For more information
Contact: Bill Boyle
Tel: 818-808-7336

Award Winning Screenwriter & UCLA Extensions Instructor, Bill Boyle conducting 3 Screenwriting Workshops at:

Fresno Arts Council Boardroom September 17th and 18th.
1245 Van Ness Ave, Fresno, CA 93721

Veteran screenwriter Bill Boyle is coming to Fresno to conduct a lecture and a series of workshops for local filmmaking community. The screenwriting workshops will take place at the Fresno Arts Council Boardroom on Sept. 18th (evening) and all day Sept. 19th.
· Basic Screenwriting Sept 18th 6:00 – 10:00pm
· The Visual Mindscape of the Screenplay Sept 19th 10:00 – 2:00 pm
· The Marketing of your Screenplay Sept 19th 4:00 – 8:00 pm
A synopsis of each of the workshops is included below.

The workshops are $65 each or $175 for all three.
Credit Card payments can be made by going to and making a payment to
Payment by Check made out to Bill Boyle at 12930 Ventura Blvd, #552 - Studio City, CA 91604

Bill Boyle has been involved in the film industry in both Canada and the U.S. for over 25 years as a writer, director, agent, producer, story editor, and mentor. He presently teaches screenwriting at UCLA Extensions as well as at various universities throughout Canada and the United States. He now devotes a significant amount of his time mentoring younger screenwriters and has lectured throughout Canada and the United States: The Scriptwriter’s Network, Los Angeles • University of Alberta • The University of Saskatchewan • National Screen Institute, Winnipeg • San Antonio Screenwriters ● The University of Regina • ● New Orleans Screenwriters ● The University of Victoria • The Vancouver Film School • Praxis Screenwriting Center, Simon Fraser University • Riverside Community College • 2008 and 2009 Screenwriters Expo. ● The Los Angeles Filmmakers Alliance.

“I am thrilled at the dynamic group of individuals in this city committed to establishing a film industry in Fresno. Establishing crews and an infrastructure through servicing outside productions is essential and that appears to be happening here. But If the community is serious about establishing a permanent indigenous film industry in Fresno that has long term viability it is paramount that an effort be made to develop the ‘creatives’ of the industry; writers, actors and directors. It is through the ‘creatives’ that home grown production is established.”

Bill has had four screenplays produced with two more presently under option. Additional information on the films can be found at or at

Bill Boyle’s feature screenplays have received multiple awards and recognition including: • Palm Springs Film Festival Critics Choice • Atlantic City Film Festival Audience Choice • Toronto Reel World Festival Best Canadian Feature • ACTRA nomination for Best Dramatic Writer • Canadian Film Awards Finalist • Recipient of the Harold Greenberg Fund • Chicago Film Festival Special Jury Nomination.
If you have any further questions you can contact Bill Boyle at or phone 818-808-7336

Workshop #1 - Basic Screenwriting Workshops

Friday, September 18th 6:00 to 10:00 pm

This course is an abridged and condensed version of the same course I teach at UCLA. It covers a detailed study of proper script formatting that goes beyond Final Draft/Movie Magic Software • terminology • An effective way to use and get the most value out of scene cards • proper scene construction • script tone • creating dramatic action and reaction through properly paced narrative • how to create vivid characters • effective dialogue with special emphasis on the antagonist.

It will also introduce writers to the concept of the ‘Visual Mindscape’. This is a style of screenwriting that seeks out metaphoric images that advance the story line, enhance the environment of the scene and offer an external visual representation of the character’s inner journey.

Workshop #2 - The Visual Mindscape of the Screenplay

Saturday, September 19th 10:00 to 2:00 pm

A ‘fully realized’ screenplay reveals itself primarily through images, making use of what I call the “Visual Mindscape”. This allows the reader or viewer to ‘discover’ elements of the story rather than being told. By being able to actively participate in the unfolding of the story the overall experience for the reader becomes a more visceral and luminous experience.

The ‘Visual Mindscape’ is a style of screenwriting that seeks out metaphoric images that advance the story line, enhance the environment of the scene and offer an external visual representation of the character’s inner journey. What do I mean by this?

If in “Citizen Kane” you were told the meaning of the word ‘Rosebud’, rather than being allowed to discover it on your own, would it have the same impact?

I believe that when a reader is allowed to discover elements of a story rather than being told, they participate in a far more intimate and impelling level. I feel this is the true magic of the screenplay.

With examples from various well known screenplays and clips from such films as; The Queen, Children of Men, The Godfather, Cabaret, Quills, Planet of the Apes, Citizen Kane and Mulholland Drive, the lecture explores the various forms of the visual mindscape such as; withholding, discovery, the law of contradiction, location and circumstance as metaphor as well as seeking visual expressions for time, tense and flow of location.

Workshop #3 - The Marketing of your Screenplay

Saturday, September 19th 4:00 to 8:00 pm

Every screenplay I have written has either been produced or optioned so I am obviously doing something right. In this workshop I will share with you how I do it.

We will discuss how to develop a complete marketing package and how to go about creating industry access.
Here is what will be covered. How to know if your screenplay is ready to be marketed ▪ Screenplay Protection (beyond WGA Registration) ▪ The Chain of Title ▪ Query Letter ▪ E Query ▪ Log Line▪Two Minute Pitch ▪ Telephone Pitch
How to access/research Production Companies & Agencies ▪ The Pre Pitch: Setting up the room • The Post Pitch ▪ The Follow Up

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